Are you ready to live your calling? We will expertly guide you through every step of the process of learning how to become an amazing intuitive healer and reader. With the right training, we all have the ability to do this work. It’s not just for the “special” ones.

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Oct Module 1

Creating Your Sacred, Protected Healing Foundation

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nov module 2

Developing a Clear Connection with Your Divine Support ‘Crew’ on the Other Side

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dec Module 3

Giving Effective Energy Healings AND Taking Excellent Care of You

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jan Module 4

Learning How to Give an Accurate, Supportive Reading to Anyone

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feb Module 5

Rockstar Counseling, Coaching & Communicating Skills

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mar module 6

Healing and Trusting Yourself, Trusting Your Intuition and Your Soul’s Guidance

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april module 7

Professional Intuitive Healing with Others

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may module 8

Professional Intuitive Healing with Others Advanced

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jun module 9

Professional Practice Development, Graduation with Certification

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This is the best training I’ve ever done.
— Valerie Midanik, Educator and Healing Facilitator at
“Jen Akasha is the most amazing teacher I’ve ever had…so inspirational…all of her teaching styles are so effective.”

“clarity of instructions, embodiment, mindfulness, inclusive language, leadership, clear compassionate communication, preparation. One of my favorite teachers...”

“Knowledgeable. She did a great job.”

“a wonderful teacher”

”I am having a hard time thinking of improvements. She is a fantastic teacher.”

“I had so much fun. She made it easy and comfortable. I love the way she connected with the class…[She is] such a wonderful person.”

“she really cares”

“Jen Akasha has been an amazing teacher. She has inspired me in so many ways.”


“Her teaching styles are clear. She is excellent.”

”she has a huge heart.”

“I loved Jen’s willingness and ability to be vulnerable.”

“it has been a pleasure learning from Jen Akasha. She made the class engaging and really comfortable...amazing instructor.”

“appreciated her mindful communication, compassion and embodiment…she made the learning process a rich and relatable experience.”

— Direct Quotes from Anonymous Teaching Evaluations of Jen Akasha Smith

Program Love

"I am forever changed in the best way. I came back to me. I'm 100% satisfied.   

I loved the connection with everyone in the group, all of the content and each guest teacher. I will be reviewing my materials regularly. Everything I learned is such a gift.

Where I am today, as this being, is because of all that I learned here...this journey (in the program) of love and discovery of my True Self resulted in this transformation. 

I am so grateful. Thank you."

Michelle Bludthardt


Your Instructors

Learn more about them by clicking The Healing Teachers button below.


We received rave reviews from the intuitive healers in last year’s program. Thank you. They mean the world to us. We’ve devoted our lives to this work.

When: Oct 14, 2024-June 15th, 2025, Tuesdays from 4-6p/PST/7-9p EST/EDT Live on Zoom starting Oct 14th. Though we want you to attend in person, replays will be available for all classes.

What: A deeply engaging, intuitive healer and reader certification program with highly trained and skilled professional intuitive healers and readers; they all have a minimum of both 15 years doing the work professionally and teaching it. The program has a 100% graduation rate.

Cost: $4400 paid in Full

Payment Plans

Option 1

3 payments of $1600 = $4800 1st one at time of Registration, 2nd one on Dec 10th, 3rd one on March 10th.

Option 2

9 payments of $555 per month= $4995 on the 1st of each month

Payments can be made using Paypal, Venmo, ApplePay or Credit Cards from most locations.


Scholarships will be awarded based on financial hardship. Please know these are partial scholarships, not full ones. To apply send a message expressing your interest to with Intuitive Healer Program Scholarship in the subject line

Full Money Back Guarantee within the first 2 weeks if the program isn’t a fit. Email before October 28th, 2025 to receive your refund. No refunds will be given after this date.



Energy Healing, The Chakras and Chakra Healing

Past Lives Reading, Tarot Reading and The Art of Prediction

Gods and Goddesses, Angels, Starseeds and Spirit Guides

Sacred Geometry Activations and Healing

Healing DNA and DNA Activation Techniques

Reading the Energetic Body, Psychic Body Scans


Reading Symbols and Signs

Pet Readings

Clearing Old Contracts, Agreements & Vows

Ancestral Healing

Languaging and Communication Skills

Coaching Skills and Counseling Skills

Removing Obstacles and Struggle, Creating Ease


Group Healings and Meditations

Attracting Abundance

Crystal Reading, Healing and Grid Programming

Clearing Spaces and Creating Sacred Space

Creating Healing Grids for Homes

Healing with Nature and Animal Totems

Forgiveness Techniques

Seeing Auras and Energy

Psychic Protection and Healthy Healing Boundaries

Working with the Higher Self

Healing the Soul

Gratitude Practices

Intuition Development

Mindfulness Meditation

Clearing the Energetic Field Techniques

Self Love and Honoring the Body

Creating Shrines and Altars

Tantric Healing Practices and Devotion

Heart and Third Eye Opening

Innerchild Work and Safely Working with Trauma


Healing Ethics

Carl Jung, Shadow Work, Archetypes and Symbols

Manifesting and Guided Visualization

Grounding and Running Divine Energy

Sacred and Soul Contracts

Working with Difficult Emotions (yours and the clients’)

Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, Clairalience, Clairgustance

Karma and Letting Go of the Past

Authentic Relating and Vulnerability Training

Healing and Creating with the Creative Arts

Transpersonal and Positive Psychology

Spiritual Emergence, Spiritual Awakenings and Unitive Experiences

Healing Prayers, Ceremony and Ritual

Automatic Writing

Authentic Listening

Distance and Remote Healing


 Become the gifted healer you were born to be. Even if you’re not sure whether or not you’re intuitive, we teach methods just about anyone can do. Our kind, experienced teachers will hold your hand through the process of becoming an excellent healer.

Learn the easy way, with your own community of heart-centered, supportive people who’ll be encouraging you each step of the way. You’ll have lots of safe and nurturing opportunities to practice your new skills.

You can ask your teachers anything. We’ve been doing this work professionally and teaching for more than 15 years. We want you to thrive and shine with ease!

One of the best things about the program is you get to heal yourself along the way. This is one of the most important parts of being a great healer.

Are you ready to truly heal and make a difference in the world doing work that feeds your mind, body, soul and heart?

If you’re getting a YES, take the next step!

Apply for the program now!

 We can’t wait to hear from you!